An empirical analysis of M&As in Italy: abnormal returns and procyclicality

Schippa, Alessandro (A.A. 2020/2021) An empirical analysis of M&As in Italy: abnormal returns and procyclicality. Tesi di Laurea in Corporate finance, Luiss Guido Carli, relatore Alessandro Riboni, pp. 83. [Bachelor's Degree Thesis]

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M&A rationale. The four types of M&As. Theories of M&A. M&A waves: domestic v. cross-border. M&As procyclicality. GDP-M&A: literature review. GDP-M&A: correlation and scatterplot. How the interplay of GDP, FTS MIB, interest rates and inflation influence M&As. EMH, abnormal returns and event study methodology. Efficient market hypothesis. Methodology. Empirical analysis of abnormal returns. Data selection and sample. Abnormal and cumulative abnormal returns. Aggregating abnormal and cumulative abnormal returns and final remarks.


Bibliografia: pp. 73-82.

Thesis Type: Bachelor's Degree Thesis
Institution: Luiss Guido Carli
Degree Program: Bachelor's Degree Programs > Bachelor's Degree Program in Economics and Business, English language (L-33)
Chair: Corporate finance
Thesis Supervisor: Riboni, Alessandro
Academic Year: 2020/2021
Session: Summer
Deposited by: Alessandro Perfetti
Date Deposited: 07 Mar 2022 15:57
Last Modified: 07 Mar 2022 15:57


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