For users

What is LuissThesis?
The Luiss Guido Carli Institutional Repository for Bachelor’s and Master’s Theses:

  • collects bibliographic information and digital copies of all theses defended at Luiss Guido Carli;
  • provides long-term conservation of theses for administrative purposes;
  • makes theses available for consultation with the authors’ permission.

From which Academic Year can we consult Theses in LuissThesis?
Theses have been archived since the Special Session for Academic Year 2006-2007 graduates, March 2008.

In LuissThesis can I find the thesis of every Luiss graduate?
The thesis of every Luiss Guido Carli student is deposited in the digital archive.

How can I search LuissThesis?
Theses can be found through a simple or advanced search by author, title, keyword, etc. Searches can also be performed through the navigation menu by department chair, thesis supervisor, academic year, degree program, etc.

Are all theses in LuissThesis available for consultation?
LuissThesis documents have three levels of access:

  • Open Access: full-text versions are available for public consultation.
  • Reserved Access: full-text versions are available only to users from Luiss Guido Carli through an authentication system (Luiss account username and password).
  • Access reserved for Archive Staff: full-text versions are not visible because the author has not authorized consultation. In this case the document is deposited solely for conservation purposes.

What are the Outstanding theses?
The collection includes the theses with special mention selected for the online publication as part of the Open Access series Luiss Working Papers.
Starting with the degree session for the 2013/2014 academic year, the project is limited to master’s or single-cycle degree program at Luiss Guido Carli.
The winning theses have a dedicated note.

I am not an authorized Luiss Guido Carli user, can I consult theses in LuissThesis?
Theses deposited in LuissThesis are open-access for all users if permission is granted by the author.
A user from outside the Luiss Guido Carli network that would like to consult a full text with reserved access can request access by clicking Request a copy and explaining his/her interest in viewing the document.
The author will then be contacted by Archive administrators and grant permission exclusively on an ad hoc basis.

For Theses authors

How can I make my thesis available for consultation on LuissThesis?
Upon thesis delivery, Luiss Guido Carli students can complete an authorization form for digital consultation through LuissThesis, the Institutional Repository.

What can I do if I did not complete the permission form when I graduated?
If you graduated from Luiss Guido Carli from March 2008 to the present date, you can request to make your thesis available for consultation on the LuissThesis Archive by sending an email to eprints@luiss.it.

is my thesis on LuissThesis accessible to all web users?
Theses authors can authorize three levels of access:

  • Open Access: students can authorize full-text consultation of their theses for all users for best exposure.
  • Reserved Access: students can authorize full-text consultation of their these exclusively to Luiss Guido Carli users.
  • Access Reserved for Archive Staff: if a student does not authorize consultation, the thesis will still be archived on LuissThesis for administrative conservation purposes. While bibliographic information will be available, access to the text will be denied.

Can I modify the access level of my thesis after its deposit?
Yes. An author can request access modification from the Archive staff by:

Can I archive my own thesis on LuissThesis?
No. Theses archiving is done exclusively by Luiss Library staff.

I did not authorize consultation for my thesis. Why is my information still available on LuissThesis?
All theses defended at Luiss Guido Carli are deposited in LuissThesis along with bibliographic information (author, title, thesis sponsor, department chair, etc) and are visible in Archive searches.

What are the advantages of allowing open access to my thesis on LuissThesis?
LuissThesis uses EPrints, software that conforms to international Open Archive Initiative (OAI) protocol, that facilitates the exchange of information between e-print archives. Thanks to OAI-PMH protocol, the Archive is searchable from any search engine (Google, Virgilio, Yahoo!, etc) including academic search engines such as Google Scholar.
These tools facilitate access to students’ theses and therefore, also visibility to researchers and potential employers.

Is depositing my thesis in LuissThesis equivalent to publication?
No. Everything that is published on the Internet is, by definition, "public access" and therefore available to all users. This however is not equivalent to publication in a journal or book.

What rights do I have regarding my thesis deposited in LuissThesis?
Any work published on the Internet has the same authors’ rights as works printed in physical format. Materials available on the web can be consulted, downloaded, cited, but cannot be used in publications (digital or physical), reproduced on other sites or used for other purposes without the author’s permission.