Admission to listing in the European Union

Fiore, Lorenzo (A.A. 2021/2022) Admission to listing in the European Union. Tesi di Laurea in European business law, Luiss Guido Carli, relatore Nicola De Luca, pp. 134. [Single Cycle Master's Degree Thesis]

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European capital markets and admission to listing. Admission to official listing. Directive 2001/34/EC. Scope of application and general provisions. Conditions and obligations. Powers of the national competent authorities. Information to the public. Admmission to trading. Directive 2014/65/EU (markets in financial instruments directive). Admission to trading on regulated markets. Suspension and removal of financial instruments from trading. Admission to listing and admission to trading. The two “steps” theory. European stock exchanges: regulation and competition. Trading facilities before and after MiFID II. Current European scenario: cross-border entities and FMI groups. Common features and cooperation activities. Regulation of admission to listing and trading. Regulatory and supervisory role. FMI groups and post-trade regulation.


Bibliografia e sitografia: pp. 123-134.

Thesis Type: Single Cycle Master's Degree Thesis
Institution: Luiss Guido Carli
Degree Program: Single Cycle Master's Degree Programs > Single Cycle Master's Degree Program in Law (LMG-01)
Outstanding Thesis: Department of Law
Chair: European business law
Thesis Supervisor: De Luca, Nicola
Thesis Co-Supervisor: Nuzzo, Antonio
Academic Year: 2021/2022
Session: Summer
Deposited by: Alessandro Perfetti
Date Deposited: 21 Dec 2022 14:11
Last Modified: 16 May 2023 15:18


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