Challenges and proposing legal reforms to foster growth and safeguard: against killer acquisitions

Dodaro, Mario (A.A. 2022/2023) Challenges and proposing legal reforms to foster growth and safeguard: against killer acquisitions. Tesi di Laurea in Business law and ICT, Luiss Guido Carli, relatore Andrea Giannaccari, pp. 87. [Bachelor's Degree Thesis]

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Overview of start-up laws in Italy, the EU, and the US. Legal frameworks for start-ups in Italy, definition and recognition of start-ups in Italy. Legal frameworks for start-ups in the European Union. Legal frameworks for start-ups in the United States. Key differences and similarities. Promotion of start-ups: policies, incentives, and regulatory landscape. Italy's start-up promotion policies. The European Union's start-up promotion policies. The United States' start-up promotion policies. Comparative analysis and best practices. The role of universities, research institutions, accelerators, and incubators in start-up ecosystems Italy. Universities and research institutions. The European Union. The United States. The impact of tax policies on start-up ecosystems. Killer acquisitions: legal frameworks, challenges, and policy implications. Italy's legal framework and challenges. Italian legal framework for mergers and acquisitions. The European Union's legal framework and challenges. The United States' legal framework and challenges. Comparative analysis and best practices. Identifying Italy's challenges in start-up law. Analysis of Italy's current legal and regulatory framework. Benchmarking Italy against the EU and the US. Proposing legal reforms for Italy's start-up ecosystem. Enhancing promotion policies. Strengthening protection against killer acquisitions.


Bibliografia: pp. 77-81.

Thesis Type: Bachelor's Degree Thesis
Institution: Luiss Guido Carli
Degree Program: Bachelor's Degree Programs > Bachelor's Degree Program in Management and Computer Science, English language (L-18)
Chair: Business law and ICT
Thesis Supervisor: Giannaccari, Andrea
Academic Year: 2022/2023
Session: Summer
Deposited by: Alessandro Perfetti
Date Deposited: 10 Nov 2023 14:46
Last Modified: 10 Nov 2023 14:46


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