Transforming the Italian healthcare system with digital innovation: streamlining antibiotic prescription and public fund allocation for AMR management through public and private fundraising initiatives

Fanini, Federico (A.A. 2022/2023) Transforming the Italian healthcare system with digital innovation: streamlining antibiotic prescription and public fund allocation for AMR management through public and private fundraising initiatives. Tesi di Laurea in Digital finance, Luiss Guido Carli, relatore Paolo Bonolis, pp. 136. [Master's Degree Thesis]

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Antimicrobial resistance: a global crisis in clinical, public health, and financial perspectives. AMR: a global problem. AMR: a clinical prospective. AMR: a public health perspective. AMR: a financial perspective. S.N.A.K.E.: SocialMed network for antibiotic keeping effectiveness. S.N.A.K.E. overview: key components and functioning. Advancing healthcare in Italy: the roles of the S.N.A.K.E. protocol. Analysis of the financial impact of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and antibiotic use in Italy. Financial analysis: a tool to understand the impact of AMR. Indirect Economic Burden of AMR: the impact of AMR on GDP and national health spending. Inefficiency in public fund allocation in the face of AMR. Strategies for financial management and cost efficiency. From vision to reality: funding the development and implementation of S.N.A.K.E. to tackle antibiotic resistance. Crafting the Financial Blueprint: The strategic funding pathway for the S.N.A.K.E. protocol. Explanation of the sources of funding for S.N.A.K.E. development and implementation. Discussion of the challenges and opportunities in securing funding for healthcare innovation. Analysis of the potential impact of funding on the success of the S.N.A.K.E. protocol. Investing in innovation: the funding formula behind S.N.A.K.E.


Bibliografia: pp. 130-136.

Thesis Type: Master's Degree Thesis
Institution: Luiss Guido Carli
Degree Program: Master's Degree Programs > Master's Degree program in Corporate Finance, English language (LM-77)
Chair: Digital finance
Thesis Supervisor: Bonolis, Paolo
Thesis Co-Supervisor: Casertano, Gaetano
Academic Year: 2022/2023
Session: Autumn
Deposited by: Alessandro Perfetti
Date Deposited: 23 May 2024 10:11
Last Modified: 23 May 2024 10:11


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