An empirical research on the luxury and fashion industries: the relationship between corporate social responsibility and corporate financial performance

Cardini, Diletta (A.A. 2020/2021) An empirical research on the luxury and fashion industries: the relationship between corporate social responsibility and corporate financial performance. Tesi di Laurea in Financial reporting and performance measurement, Luiss Guido Carli, relatore Giovanni Fiori, pp. 104. [Master's Degree Thesis]

Full text for this thesis not available from the repository.


Overview and literature review. The concept of corporate social responsibility. Literature review: corporate social performance and financial performance. Research purpose. Hypotheses development. Research method. Data collection and sample description. Variables. Results and analysis. Multi-linear regression’s results. Managerial implications. Study limitations and future research.


Bibliografia: pp. 98-104.

Thesis Type: Master's Degree Thesis
Institution: Luiss Guido Carli
Degree Program: Master's Degree Programs > Master's Degree Program in Management, English language (LM-77)
Chair: Financial reporting and performance measurement
Thesis Supervisor: Fiori, Giovanni
Thesis Co-Supervisor: Scettri, Simone
Academic Year: 2020/2021
Session: Summer
Deposited by: Alessandro Perfetti
Date Deposited: 17 Dec 2021 15:33
Last Modified: 17 Dec 2021 15:33


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