Head or gut in entrepreneurial decision making: a quantitative investigation into the relation between cognitive processes and innovation, and the moderating role of personality

Tedone, Roberta (A.A. 2020/2021) Head or gut in entrepreneurial decision making: a quantitative investigation into the relation between cognitive processes and innovation, and the moderating role of personality. Tesi di Laurea in Corporate strategy, Luiss Guido Carli, relatore Evangelos Syrigos, pp. 80. [Master's Degree Thesis]

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Research rationale. Conceptual model. Contributions and further research. Theoretical framework. Entrepreneurship and innovation. Thinking fast or thinking slow? The role of personality. Study’s hypothesis. Analysis. Research design. Analysis and results. Discussion. Implications and contribution to knowledge.


Bibliografia: pp. 61-65.

Thesis Type: Master's Degree Thesis
Institution: Luiss Guido Carli
Degree Program: Master's Degree Programs > Master's Degree Program in Management, English language (LM-77)
Chair: Corporate strategy
Thesis Supervisor: Syrigos, Evangelos
Thesis Co-Supervisor: Laura, Luigi
Academic Year: 2020/2021
Session: Autumn
Deposited by: Alessandro Perfetti
Date Deposited: 10 May 2022 08:45
Last Modified: 10 May 2022 08:45
URI: https://tesi.luiss.it/id/eprint/32206


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