An insight on student loans in the US and in Italy

Zanetti, Lorenzo (A.A. 2021/2022) An insight on student loans in the US and in Italy. Tesi di Laurea in Mathematical finance, Luiss Guido Carli, relatore Sara Biagini, pp. 33. [Bachelor's Degree Thesis]

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Student loans-mathematical analysis. American student loans. Intesa Sanpaolo "per merito" student loan. BNL "futuriamo" student loan. A direct comparison between "per merito" and "futuriamo". MAin effects of student loans. Effects on graduate school attendance and program choice. Effects on borrowers' propensity for entrepreneurship. Effects of default on student loans' borrowers.


Bibliografia: pp. 31-32.

Thesis Type: Bachelor's Degree Thesis
Institution: Luiss Guido Carli
Degree Program: Bachelor's Degree Programs > Bachelor's Degree Program in Economics and Business, English language (L-33)
Chair: Mathematical finance
Thesis Supervisor: Biagini, Sara
Academic Year: 2021/2022
Session: Summer
Deposited by: Alessandro Perfetti
Date Deposited: 28 Sep 2022 14:22
Last Modified: 28 Sep 2022 14:22


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