Financial supervision, banking crises and financial stability on both sides of the Atlantic

Ulissi, Massimo (A.A. 2022/2023) Financial supervision, banking crises and financial stability on both sides of the Atlantic. Tesi di Laurea in Market law and regulation, Luiss Guido Carli, relatore Carmine Di Noia, pp. 118. [Master's Degree Thesis]

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Financial supervision in the EU and in the US before the GFC. Financial stability and its components/objectives. The different models of financial supervision. Financial supervision in the EU before the GFC. Financial supervision in the US before the GFC. The global financial crisis outbreak: reforms of financial supervision from 2011 to 2022. From national to global financial regulation: soft law and international standard setters. The global financial crisis and the need for reform (2007-2009). The 2008 G20 Washington summit and the action plan for financial regulatory reforms. Implementation of the G20 agenda in Europe. The Dodd-Frank act, the relief act and the current US framework of financial supervision. Was that enough? Evaluation if the financial system resilience in the light of recent banking crises on both sides of the ocean. The 2023 US banking crisis: chain of events and common features. The SVB case. Evaluation of system resilience and initial lessons in the aftermath march 2023 bank turmoil. Beyond banking: new sources of threats for financial stability.


Bibliografia: pp. 103-114.

Thesis Type: Master's Degree Thesis
Institution: Luiss Guido Carli
Degree Program: Master's Degree Programs > Master's Degree Program in Economics and Finance (LM-56)
Chair: Market law and regulation
Thesis Supervisor: Di Noia, Carmine
Thesis Co-Supervisor: Pellegrini, Mirella
Academic Year: 2022/2023
Session: Extraordinary
Deposited by: Alessandro Perfetti
Date Deposited: 28 Aug 2024 15:43
Last Modified: 28 Aug 2024 15:43


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